Tag: Trump Cabinet

What Does the Media Expect?

By Ed Hoffman

After the tumultuous relationship between Donald Trump and the media over the last year, are any of us really surprised that the media is continuing to spew hate his way? They know they’re going to look desperate if they go down the road of covering all the flaws of the electoral college (which they want to abolish so that 1. votes outside of California, Florida and New York won’t count anymore, 2. Hillary can be President and 3. Democrats will win until the end of time). In fact, I’m willing to bet that Hillary and the DNC asked their media buddies to stop covering the electoral college to protect all their reputations. So what can they do instead? Scrutinize every single person Trump appoints to his cabinet, of course – and find opportunities to cry racism about as many of them as possible.

Over the past week, we’ve heard allegations of racism directed at the following Trump cabinet picks:

  • Breitbart publisher Chief Strategist Steven Bannon, because someone at the Communist News Network (yes, that’s CNN) started a rumor that he’s in bed with the “alt-right” and no one has bothered to do their research to confirm if that’s even true. I don’t know much about Steve Bannon at all, but I do know two things: 1.) Trump would not make a white supremacist one of his top advisors, and 2.) The Democrats try to inject race into just about everything. And that’s everything I need to know.[spacer height=”20px”]
  • General and incoming National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, because he said that in the global climate of terror we live in, “Fear of Muslims is rational.” (Gasp!)[spacer height=”20px”]
  • Congressman and incoming CIA Director Mike Pompeo, because he called CIA interrogators “patriots” for waterboarding terrorists after 9/11. Doesn’t Pompeo know patriotism is racist now?[spacer height=”20px”]
  • Senator and incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who fellow Senator Chuck Schumer has promised to drag through the mud during his Senate confirmation hearing because someone claimed he called an African-American attorney “boy” 30 years ago. Never mind that Sessions led the effort to award the Congressional Medal of Honor to the civil rights leaders who marched on Selma. The media only covers what it wants us to believe, and it wants us to believe that Jeff Sessions is pro-KKK a racist – so that’s what we’re going to hear.[spacer height=”20px”]

It’s being leaked today that members of the media are “furious” over the way Trump treated them in a closed-door meeting at Trump Tower this week. Really? They malign him and everyone he has chosen to surround himself with as he prepares to assume the highest office in the land – portraying every bump in the road as a permanent setback, every cabinet appointee as a dangerous risk, and every decision regarding his businesses as a corruption of the presidency. How do they expect him to react?

Ed Hoffman is host of The Main Event, which is broadcast on select talk radio stations in Southern California and is available on-demand via podcast. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/TheMainEventEdHoffman