Tag: Kavanaugh Hearing

The Main Event – September 28, 2018

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The hearing took place on Thursday and Christine Blasey Ford showed up. Here’s part of her opening statement, where she explains why she sent a letter in June to the office of her congressperson, Anna Eshoo of California’s 18th District, who then sent the letter to Diane Feinstein’s office in July.

The Dems Destroy Brett Kavanaugh

Another week goes by with Democrats using unsubstantiated accusations to destroy Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Let’s recap what happened before the hearing on Thursday:

  • A second accuser emerged: Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during drinking game when they were freshmen at Yale 35 years ago. On the night of the alleged incident, Ramirez admits to being drunk and that she has gaps in her memory. Hmmm….
  • According to a story in The New Yorker, “she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.” Hmmm….
  • The magazine reported that it took six days of “carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney” for Ramirez to go on record accusing Kavanaugh.” Hmmm…..
  • In case you’re wondering, Ramirez is a registered Democrat and sits on the board of a group called Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence. (In other words, she was already an activist. Not suspicious at all.)
  • The New York Times reported that Ramirez had contacted several of her former classmates to see if they remembered the incident because she could not be certain that Kavanaugh had been the perpetrator. Both the New York Times and CNN report that they have not been able to find any firsthand eyewitnesses to corroborate her story (just like all the witnesses denied knowing about Christine Blasey-Ford’s story).

Ed alert: “Why would we think it’s all lies? Gee, maybe because we caught Gloria Allred’s daughter offering to pay the mortgages on women’s houses if they made allegations against Trump…” How do we know this isn’t happening again?

And now there’s a third accuser, Julie Swetnick.

  • Two years older than Kavanaugh, Swetnick is grew up in the Washington D.C. suburbs but gives no reason for why she and Kavanaugh were at the same parties (although she claims to have attended “at least 10” parties with him back then).
  • In a statement posted on Twitter by her lawyer, Michael Avenatti (Stormy Daniels’ lawyer…that’s not suspicious!), Swetnick says she observed Kavanaugh at parties where women were abused, inappropriately touched, made “disoriented” with alcohol or drugs and “gang raped.”
  • She said she witnessed Judge Kavanaugh participating in some of the misconduct, including lining up outside a bedroom where “numerous boys” were “waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room.” She says she was one of the girls who was raped and believed she had been drugged. Ed alert: “She was raped at one of these parties, but she went to 10 of them?” Again, this one has “fabricated Democrat smear” written all over it.

Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh Hearings 

As for the first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, there are still no corroborations from the people she named in her Washington Post interview as witnesses to her alleged incident with Kavanaugh. But that didn’t stop the Democrats from babying her all morning on Thursday, and Kavanaugh’s passionate denials didn’t stop them from putting him through hell…lucky for all of us, Lindsey Graham has got his mojo back and he’s out to set them straight!

Get the hearing recap on this week’s show – and, check out Ed’s debut column this week in Townhall.

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