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September 11 Tribute Show
This week is Ed’s annual September 11 tribute show. “9/11 happening, and visiting Ground Zero, are what made me who I am today,” he says. “We don’t want 9/11 to become like Pearl Harbor Day, where we all forget what day it is.” Listen to the second half of the show to hear the 9/11 tribute; it’s patriotic and uplifting.
DACA Phase-out
In the first half, it’s all about DACA. The White House announced this week that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – the Obama immigration program otherwise known as DACA or the Dream Act – would be phased out over the next two years, with no DACA permit renewals granted after October 5th. “Just so we’re all clear,” Ed says, “here are the facts about DACA.”
- DACA was launched by Barack Obama in 2012 as one of many executive orders throughout his presidency. It was not passed into law by Congress. “Obama did an executive action, a unilateral move,” Ed reminds everyone. “It wasn’t an actual law.”
- The program was designed to allow people who were brought to the United States illegally as children to remain in the country.
- Applicants cannot have serious criminal histories, and must have arrived in the U.S. before 2007, when they were under the age of 16. DACA recipients can live and work legally in the U.S. for renewable two-year periods.
- It has been open to those who were at least 15 years old, but no more than 31 years old, as of June 15, 2012. The average age of DACA recipients is 25.
As Attorney General Jeff Sessions pointed out this week, there is an undeniable connection between Obama’s announcement of DACA and the influx of unaccompanied minors that arrived in Southern California in summer of 2012. Ed reminds everyone, “Obama announced this, and these kids started streaming over the southern border. Remember, they were riding on the top of trains to get across – because they knew that if you get across, you can get deferred action. And if you’re 15, you can say you’re 14, and so on.” Furthermore, these kids are now adults.
Media’s DACA Freakout
“Here’s the media’s ‘oh my God’ reaction,” Ed says before the montage of everyone from Tom Brokaw to Don Lemon calling the DACA phase-out racism. “To call this a ‘cruel act’ really raises the question what our values are,” he says. In response to the media’s favorite example that dreamers would be unable to obtain driver’s licenses, he says, “DACA was implemented five years ago and you have six more months. If you haven’t gotten a driver’s license yet, what are you waiting for? You don’t know how to get a driver’s license, but you’re somehow getting into our colleges?”
Barack Obama Chimes In and Changed his Tune
“Barack Obama had to chime in,” Ed says, “even though no one asked him to.” We’re playing his statement on the DACA phase-out, but you’ll also hear what the former President had to say about illegal immigration when he was a young Senator. He was singing an entirely different tune then. “They say what you want to hear,” Ed says, “then they get elected and their whole tune changes.” The same goes for Senator Chuck Schumer, whose own immigration flip-flop over time will be on the show this week.
Tune in for this and the 9/11 tribute show on this week’s The Main Event!
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