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Hurricane Harvey: Can the President Do Anything Right?

This week, Ed opens the show by talking about Hurricane Harvey and how the President can’t do anything right in the eyes of the media. But first, some facts* about the storm:

*Source: CNN

Ed urges everyone to donate to the relief effort through Save the Children or the Red Cross.

“Trump waited a few days, but he didn’t go to Houston because he didn’t want to get in the middle of everything,” Ed says. “He met with the local leaders. What do you want him to do? You want him to have an ‘Obama moment,’ so it looks like you care.” As to the charge that the President’s throwaway remark “what a crowd, what a turnout” signaled a lack of empathy for the victims, Ed says, “Well, we found out Thursday night that he donated $1 million of his own money. What did Barack Obama do (after Hurricane Sandy)? Pay attention, folks, and make sure you point these things out to millennials, and to your neighbors and coworkers.”

Melania’s Shoes and Attacking Ted Cruz

It wasn’t only the President who was condemned during this natural disaster; somehow, people managed to attack Melania Trump this week over her shoes. And then there’s Senator Ted Cruz, who shot down an MSNBC anchor who tried to pin him into a corner over the federal relief he voted against after Hurricane Sandy. “It’s not right to turn a bill for disaster relief into your own political wish list,” Cruz said. And as the first half winds down, Ed plays a fascinating YouTube that sounds it’s about one political leader, but is really about another. It’s a perfect segue into the interview with this week’s guest, Dinesh D’Souza.

Dinesh D’Souza Interview: The Big Lie 

In this second half, Ed’s guest this week is conservative author and filmaker Dinesh D’Souza. You know him from his many books and films, including 2016: Obama’s AmericaAmerica: Imagine the World Without Her…and Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. Now, he’s back with a book that could not be more timely. It’s called The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left; it tells the truth about who the real fascists and Nazis were historically, and how the American left is still defending Nazi doctrine today.

“In this book, I pivot from the race card to the fascism card,” Dinesh says. “The big lie is that Nazism and fascism are products of the right.” Tune in to hear Dinesh explain how liberal progressives “very cunningly moved fascism from the ‘left wing column’ into the ‘right wing column’,” and how the modern Antifa group is emblematic of that. He also explains that the left is taking a page right out of the original Mussolini fascism playbook: “Drive out people who don’t agree with your agenda,” he says. “Persecute them, turn them into piranhas. Today we call it political correctness.”

Dinesh D’Souza Interview: Was Charlottesville Orchestrated? 

Dinesh is an expert on the Democrat party’s history of keeping minority communities subservient and pulling the puppet strings of racial tension to accomplish their agendas. “Look at the inner cities of America,” Dinesh says. “We’ve put so many resources into them, and they’re in the same miserable predicaments that they were in 1968. But the Democrats don’t seem particularly alarmed about this. It’s because they have a stranglehold on these communities.”

That leads to the question: Could the violence in Charlottesville have been orchestrated? Dinesh mentions Jason Kessler, the organizer of the so-called “Unite the Right” rally that was ground zero for the violence between white supremacists and counterprotestors. “He made a video on his Twitter feed attacking me,” Dinesh says. “You listen to this guy, and you see he’s a left-winger. So the effort to portray this guy as a right-winger is a fraud. I’ve spoken at conservative rallies all over for years, and I’ve never seen any group called ‘Unite the Right’.” Dinesh D’Souza is a killer interview anytime, but this is one you definitely don’t want to miss!

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