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This week, Ed opens the show with the infamous “You can’t handle the truth” scene from the movie “A Few Good Men.” He explains why it’s relevant to this week’s news: “Tom Cruise sucks Nicholson in one question at a time and corners him. It reminds me of what happened this week with James Comey…and we just want the truth!” Comey’s testimony is the big story of the week, of course – but first, Ed will talk about some lessons learned from the annual Mastermind Summit conference he attended this week, where he learned from basketball/business great Magic Johnson and others.
“I always go to these conferences looking for the secret,” he says. “But I learned this week that there are no secrets. Just take care of your clients.” Another great takeaway: “When something happens to you, ask what you could have done to change it. Because if you blame someone else, it’s out of your control. You can’t control anyone but you.” And one final tip from speaker and author Jack Canfield: “Make a list of all the things you can’t do, and replace ‘can’t’ with the word ‘won’t.’ What you think you can’t do is really what you won’t do.”
Next, it’s on to current events – starting with the dozens of terror attacks that have happened around the world during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. “Maybe this isn’t a religion,” Ed says. “Maybe it’s a manifest to take over the world.” Since the first day of Ramadan 2017, jihadis have used bombs, guns, suicide vests and vehicles to massacre more than 100 people in 21 countries. Ed lists many of the attacks, some of which you probably never heard about because they took place in parts of the world where terrorism is commonplace – and yet, that’s the sad irony. Most listeners are already aware of one, though: The attack involving three terrorists plowing a van into pedestrians on the London Bridge on June 3, which killed six and injured dozens.
This was the third jihadist attack on British soil in two weeks, and one of the attackers – the aptly named Khuram Butt – was already well-known to British police and intelligence, although he was never arrested. Of the line Butt said in the British documentary “The Jihadis Next Door,” where he complains he and his friends were kicked out of a park for innocently “praying,” Ed says: “If you saw people praying to a black ISIS flag in your neighborhood, would you just live and let live or would you call the police? Is it religious freedom when their book says ‘convert or die’?” You’ll also hear from the now-very-reasonable Piers Morgan, who asks with conviction: “Aren’t the British public entitled to know why more wasn’t done to prevent this person from becoming a terrorist?” Ed laments that, and the fact that the courts are doing everything they can to prevent our President’s travel ban from being enforced.
As the second half continues, Ed’s recapping Thursday’s testimony from former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee. In case you missed it, Ed will play a synopsis of Comey’s 7-page prepared statement sent to the committee the day before to set the stage. “I don’t hear anything too terrible there,” Ed says, saying that all this was an instrument of congressional Democrats who are making a full-time job of calling for Trump’s impeachment.
And of course, we have the highlights of the day’s testimony, including Comey explaining all three times he told the President he was not being investigated. “I think Comey’s talking out both sides of his mouth,” Ed says. “Some things he’s very clear on, and other things he’s cloudy.” As for one of the most eye-opening parts of Comey’s testimony – that he leaked his memo of conversations with the President to the media “through a friend” – Ed remarks, “I can’t believe he’s actually saying this.”
For analysis of the biggest story of the week, tune in to The Main Event (and let Ed know your thoughts by leaving a voicemail at (855) 640-2092. If you’re in the market for a mortgage, don’t forget to give Ed’s office a call at (855) 640-2020.
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