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This week, Ed welcomes veterans advocate and military analyst Joey Jones on the show to discuss several of this week’s events. It starts with one of the saddest stories in recent memory: the death of Otto Warmbier, the American college student who spent 17 months in North Korean detention. As most know, Otto died on June 20 in his hometown of Cincinnati. Reflecting on the mysterious circumstances surrounding Otto’s time in the corrupted nation of North Korea, Ed asks Joey what he believes happened to the young man to put him in the state that led to his death. “I’m not a doctor,” Joey says, “but it’s pretty obvious he was mistreated. To what extent, it seems like the doctors don’t know yet. But it’s time to call North Korea to the carpet.” There’s a longer discussion on this, so tune in to The Main Event to hear it if you’re interested in analysis on whether the Obama administration did enough, and whether it’s appropriate for the Trump administration to count Otto’s release as a victory.
Next, it’s on to the special election in the 6th District of Georgia that everyone’s talking about this week. As someone who lives in the area, Joey Jones was actually considered and vetted to run for that seat – so he has loads of insight when it comes to how Karen Handel, the Republican candidate, eventually won. “Karen Handel won because she’s been around forever, she has name recognition and she has the grass roots to win a special election.” An interesting comment on why Hollywood stars donated so much money to Ossoff’s campaign, though: “Georgia has the second largest entertainment community in the country, right behind Hollywood,” he says. “There’s some justification for why they all donated.”
Ed comments, “They were pushing this election as a referendum on Trump, and I think it bit them in the butt.” Case in point: Now, several congressional Democrats are pushing for the resignation of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Listen to this week’s show to hear them call for her to step aside and make way for younger, fresher leadership – this is must-hear for anyone who wants to see Pelosi’s congressional reign come to an end.
In the second half, it’s on to the news that broke Friday morning: the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, which was signed by President Trump on Friday morning. “This is something I applaud President Trump on doing,” Joey says. “Currently, it takes 180 days to fire anyone other than an executive at the VA. There’s still a long way to go, but we have to applaud this victory.” In his time on Capitol Hill, “I’ve seen multiple congressional hearings devoted to retraining employees, and we have to put something in place that mandates hiring the right talent.”
There’s a lot of wisdom on this week’s show, so tune in to hear it – and if you have a comment, don’t forget to call The Main Event Listener Hotline at (855) 640-2092.
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