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This is the first show of Ed’s 10th year on the radio, so he’s celebrating both that and the upcoming inauguration – but first, there’s some real estate investment talk. “For those of you who don’t know, at a certain point you make too much money to get homeownership tax benefits,” he says. “Talk to your tax professional to see if that applies to you.”

Then it’s on to an update on the Russian hacking, which we’re all tired of – but obviously, the media isn’t. “I’m taking it as a personal insult that they’re blaming Trump winning on Russian hacking,” Ed says, “as opposed to winning because enough people had their eyes open.” For a recap of what was reported by the intelligence community this week, tune in to The Main Event. You’ll also hear CNN’s Anderson Cooper ask Kellyanne Conway how Trump “knows things” about the hacking, to which Ed says, “Hey Anderson, Trump’s a billionaire and the President-Elect. He should know a lot of things that the rest of us don’t know.” Closing out this segment, you’ll hear WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s fascinating new comments about the true information he published, which is what he believes caused Hillary to lose the election – not the hacking itself. “I agree,” Ed says. “Hillary and the Democrats are dirty crooks, and God bless everyone who saw that and voted for Trump.”

Next, we’re talking about Trump vs. congressional Democrats – people like Senator Chuck Schumer, now the House Minority Leader, who used his time on the floor as the 115th Congress opened to speak out against Trump. “You know what I have to say to that?” Ed says. Tune in to hear what it is, courtesy of audio from a beloved Saturday Night Live character. You’ll also get Ed’s thoughts on personal responsibility vs. the Democrats’ endless efforts to legislate human behavior, and he’ll remind us about all the “pork” that went into the Obamacare law in the first place – things you probably forgot about years ago (like taxes for tanning salons and other insane hikes!).

We’re still talking Obamacare in the second half, including the repeal effort by the Republicans and how the who helped Schumer roll out the ridiculous “Make America Sick Again” campaign this week against Trump. Ed’s also excited about Trump’s plan to defund sanctuary cities, and has some choice words for the mayors of those cities. Speaking of choice words, there are some for Obama as well – you know, the President who made a celebrated “rare trip” to Capitol Hill this week to urge his fellow Democrats to fight the Republicans on an Obamacare replacement. “In the process of coming up with something that can actually become law to fix problems in this country, the President and Congress have to talk,” Ed says. “Obama never talks to anybody but Valerie Jarrett, his wife, and his friends in Hollywood like Jay-Z and Beyoncé” – so he sees no need to celebrate Obama going to the Capitol.

There’s a lot of humor in this week’s show, including Ed’s thoughts on one group’s plan to pass out free marijuana in D.C. on Inauguration Day, which he underscores with audio clips from some of his favorite comedies. “I’m not endorsing weed,” Ed says. “These are just funny movie clips.” Since he’s going to the inauguration, Ed has some practical questions on the logistics of how this will work for people who are planning on taking these joints to the event; considering it’s almost two miles from Dupont Circle to the Washington Mall, “I suspect there are going to be some accidents,” Ed says.

As the show closes, we’re talking about the jobs Trump has saved thus far at Ford and Sprint, which of course is being written off as something that was already happening. “This is a load of BS,” Ed says. “The Democrats want to deny credit for everything Trump is doing.” Good news, though – it’s almost Inauguration Day!

Catch The Main Event on the following stations:
Inland Empire:
AM 590 The Answer (KTIE), Saturdays at 9:30 AM/ 9 PM & Sundays at 8 AM (unless the Rams are playing)
AM 1490 Smart Talk (KMET), Sundays at 11 AM & Mondays at 3 PM
Los Angeles:
AM 870 The Answer (KRLA), Sundays at 3 PM
You can also get on-demand podcasts of the show right here on the Podcasts page, as well as on Soundcloud or iTunes.

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