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Time’s Ticking for DACA
The clock is ticking for Congress to finalize a deal on DACA. A group of Republican Senators have proposed a DACA deal that they’re calling “the best chance” of getting a bill passed before the March 5th deadline imposed by the President (a deadline that may not matter if federal judges continue to overturn it).
No matter how many times the President says he wants to work out a DACA deal, it’s never good enough for the Democrats because they refuse to agree to a deal that has funding for the wall and an end to chain migration. From Schumer to Pelosi and others, we hear Democrats saying the President refuses to make a deal when all signs point to Trump begging them for a deal and them refusing because Trump won’t agree to their demands.
Ed alert: “If you’re a childhood arrival, you could have filled out your papers five years ago when Obama created DACA and you would have a Green Card by now. But some of you didn’t want to.”
Tune in to hear what Democrats like Dianne Feinstein and Bernie Sanders said about illegal immigration in 1993 and 2007 (hint: They sound like Republicans!).
Democrats Get Caught
Speaking of Democrats, Trey Gowdy was right about them last week; they intentionally included classified information in their memo so that Trump wouldn’t release it, making it look like the President has something to hide. You’ll hear the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, saying exactly what Trey Gowdy predicted he would: “The President doesn’t want to see the underlying facts.” Ed alert: “Hey all you voters in Burbank and the San Fernando Valley, get out there and vote this guy out. He’s no substance, just clips and soundbites.”
Then, Lindsey Graham uncovered something interesting this week: Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan “Blame Benghazi on a Video” Rice sent herself an email on January 20, 2017 – the final day of the Obama administration and Trump’s inauguration day. Here’s the report.
In the email on Jan. 20, 2017 – the day of President Trump’s inauguration – Rice described a Jan. 5 meeting between Obama, herself, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and then-Vice President Joe Biden concerning the investigation into Russian election interference.
In the email, Rice wrote: “President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’ The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”
Why did she do that? Lindsey Graham thinks he knows, and we’re playing his thoughts on this week’s show.
FBI Drops the Ball
Every time there’s new proof that Democrats conspired with Obama’s Department of Justice and the FBI to damage the Trump campaign, conservatives are reminded that we aren’t allowed to criticize “the rank and file” FBI agents who “put their lives on the line to keep us safe. But this week, there was glaring proof that plenty of “rank and file” FBI agents aren’t doing their jobs. Ed alert: “And you know who pays their job? We do.”
What’s the proof? The school shooting in the Miami suburb of Parkland, Florida, which has killed 17 high school students and teachers. As it turns out, this is another case of the FBI receiving a tip about a threatening person and not doing anything about it until after the person starts killing people. We first learned about this Thursday from Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and it has been confirmed several times since by law enforcement. In 2017, a man named Ben Bennight reported to the FBI a suspicious YouTube comment from Nikolas Cruz, who went on to become the school shooter – exactly what his comment said he planned to do. Unbelievable.
Ed closes out the second half with some words on the heroes who gave their lives to save others that day, including the two teachers, Aaron Feis and Christopher Hixon.
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